Illegally Possessing and Selling Marijuana

Arizona's marijuana laws underwent significant changes with the passing of Proposition 207 in 2020. This granted adults (21+) the right of marijuana possession of up to one ounce (1 oz.) of marijuana, cultivate six (6) marijuana plants at home (12 plants if more than one adult in the home), and purchase marijuana from licensed outlets. Public smoking and driving under influence remain illegal though.


An unlicensed sale of marijuana is still considered a felony criminal offense, with penalties ranging from fines to imprisonment. As of 2023, Arizona law now gives people previously convicted of certain marijuana crimes, a chance for expungement.


Recent data suggests that Arizona's law enforcement agencies have been active in enforcing drug-related offenses, particularly possession of marijuana with intent to sell. In the past year alone, there has been a notable increase in arrests related to such charges. This emphasizes the necessity of securing adept legal representation to navigate the intricate landscape of possession with intent to sell cases.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how we can help you.

Arizona Marijuana Laws

Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Sell

Arizona law classifies the possession of marijuana with the intent to sell as a felony crime varying from Class 2 to Class 4, depending on the quantity.


Being caught with less than 2 pounds with the intention to sell may result in a Class 4 felony, 2-4 pounds can yield a Class 3, while anything over 4 pounds may result in a Class 2 felony.


Penalties can include fines, prison times, mandatory drug treatment programs, or community service. With the recent legalization of recreational marijuana use, it's crucial to consult an attorney for current interpretations.


This section explains the key aspects that constitute this offense and sheds light on the situations that differentiate it from other related charges.


Defining Possession with Intent to Sell

In this subtopic, we will outline the legal criteria that constitute possession of cannabis with intent to sell in Arizona. By reviewing the Arizona Revised Statutes, specifically Section 13-3405(A)(4), we will provide a comprehensive understanding of what the law requires to establish this offense.


Elements of Intent

When charged with possession with intent to sell, to secure a conviction prosecutors must establish the accused's intent to distribute the marijuana. This subtopic will explore the various factors that law enforcement and the courts consider when determining an individual's intent to sell, such as quantity, packaging, and other evidence of distribution.


Burden of Proof

Here, we will discuss the burden of proof that lies on the prosecution to demonstrate that the accused had both possession and intent to sell. By understanding the legal standards required to secure a conviction, individuals can better appreciate the importance of building a strong defense.


Importance of Legal Counsel

Navigating possession with intent to sell charges can be intricate. This subtopic will emphasize the critical role of legal counsel in helping individuals understand the charges they face and in formulating a strategic defense to challenge the prosecution's case.

Marijuana Possession In Arizona

Possession for Personal Use vs. Intent to Sell

Distinguishing between possessing marijuana for personal use and possess with intent to sell or deliver is crucial in understanding the legal implications and potential consequences. 

Factors that differentiate these two scenarios and how they are treated under Arizona law include:


Quantity and Packaging

This subtopic will explore how the quantity of marijuana and its packaging can serve as indicators of intent to sell. We'll discuss what law enforcement looks for when determining whether marijuana was meant for distribution.


Evidence of Distribution

Here, we'll cover the types of evidence that can suggest an intent to sell or distribute marijuana, such as scales, baggies, and large amounts of cash. Understanding how these items can contribute to the prosecution's case is crucial.


Personal Use Exemptions

Arizona law allows for certain exceptions when it comes to possessing marijuana for personal use. We'll outline these exemptions and explain how they differ from possession with intent to sell.


Communication and Intent

Communication can play a significant role in establishing intent to sell. This subtopic will discuss how conversations, messages, or other forms of communication can be used as evidence to support the prosecution's claim of intent.


Legal Precedents

We'll provide examples of legal cases where the line between personal use and intent to sell was contested. These cases can offer insights into the factors that courts consider when making this determination.

Marijuana Possession With Intent To Sell In Arizona

Legal Defenses for Possession with Intent to Sell Charges

Facing possession with intent to sell charges can be daunting, but there are legal defenses that individuals can explore to protect their rights and challenge the prosecution's case. 

Some of the effective defense strategies that can be employed to contest these charges include:


Challenging Intent to Sell

One of the primary defenses against possession with intent to sell charges is challenging the intent element. To secure a conviction, the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused intended to distribute the marijuana.


Your defense attorney can work to demonstrate that the evidence presented does not definitively establish this intent. This could involve showing that the quantity of marijuana possessed was consistent with personal use, not distribution.


Additionally, your attorney might argue that items like scales or baggies, often considered evidence of distribution, can have alternative uses and may not necessarily indicate intent to sell.


Unlawful Search and Seizure

The Fourth Amendment protects individuals from unreasonable searches and seizures by law enforcement. If evidence was obtained through an unlawful search or seizure, it may be deemed inadmissible in court.


Your attorney can investigate whether your constitutional rights were violated during the search and seizure process. If a violation occurred, the evidence gathered as a result of the unlawful action might be suppressed, potentially weakening the prosecution's case.


Constructive Possession Challenges

In some cases, possession of marijuana with intent to sell charges may be based on constructive possession rather than actual possession.Constructive possession refers to situations where the accused did not physically possess the marijuana but had control or dominion over the area where it was found.


Your attorney can challenge the prosecution's ability to prove constructive possession beyond a reasonable doubt. This could involve highlighting the lack of direct evidence linking you to the marijuana or demonstrating that others had access to the area in question.


By understanding the legal defenses available to combat possession with intent to sell charges, you're better prepared to navigate the complexities of your case.


Whether you opt to challenge the intent element, question the legality of evidence collection, or address constructive possession issues, seeking the guidance of an experienced criminal defense attorney can significantly impact the trajectory of your case.

Marijuana Possession in Arizona

Penalties for Possession with Intent to Sell Marijuana

Understanding the potential consequences of possession with intent to sell conviction is paramount, as these charges carry substantial penalties under Arizona law. 


The sentencing framework and the range of penalties that individuals may face if convicted of this offense include:


Sentencing Guidelines Based on Quantity

The quantity of marijuana, or cannabis,  involved plays a significant role in determining the severity of the sentence for possession with intent to sell. Arizona law categorizes marijuana possession into different thresholds, each carrying distinct potential penalties.


For example, possessing less than two pounds of marijuana with intent to sell is classified as a Class 3 felony and is punishable by imprisonment for 2.5 to 7 years, while possessing more than four pounds escalates the charge to a Class 2 felony.


Understanding these sentencing guidelines is crucial for both defendants and legal counsel in assessing the potential outcomes of a case.


Prior Convictions and Aggravating Factors

A prior criminal history can influence the sentencing process. Individuals with previous convictions may face enhanced penalties if convicted of possession with intent to sell.


Additionally, certain aggravating factors, such as the possession of a firearm during the offense, can lead to even harsher sentences. It's essential to work closely with your attorney to accurately evaluate the potential impact of your criminal history and any aggravating circumstances.


Alternative Sentencing Options

In some cases, defendants may be eligible for alternative sentencing options, such as community service, probation, drug treatment programs, or diversion programs. These alternatives focus on rehabilitation rather than a term of imprisonment.


Your attorney can advocate for these options based on factors such as your criminal record, the circumstances of the case, and your willingness to participate in rehabilitative efforts.


By comprehending the sentencing guidelines, potential aggravating factors, and alternative options, you can better prepare for the legal journey ahead. Collaborating closely with an experienced drug crime defense attorney can help you understand these complex Arizona laws, assess your options, and work towards achieving the best possible outcome for your situation.

Intent To Sell In Arizona

Arizona Revised Statute § 13-3405(A)(4) and Federal Jurisdiction

The intersection between state and federal laws can significantly impact cases involving the possession of marijuana with the intent to sell. 


Understanding Federal Drug Trafficking Laws

Drug trafficking is a violation of federal law, and marijuana remains illegal under federal statutes. The federal government's approach to drug offenses can differ from that of the state.


This subtopic will provide an overview of federal drug trafficking laws, including the penalties associated with the possession and distribution of controlled substances.


Potential for Federal Jurisdiction

Certain circumstances can lead to federal authorities taking jurisdiction over a possession with intent to sell case. This page Arizona Laws vs. Federal Laws discusses and outlines scenarios in which federal jurisdiction might apply, such as cases involving large quantities of marijuana, organized criminal activities, or cases that span multiple states.


Consequences of Federal Prosecution

Federal drug trafficking convictions can result in severe penalties, including lengthy prison terms and substantial fines. Understanding the potential consequences of federal prosecution is essential, as federal sentences often differ from those under state law. This subtopic will shed light on the factors that federal courts consider when determining sentences for drug trafficking offenses.

Drug Possession In Arizona

Working with a Federal Criminal Defense Attorney

Navigating the legal landscape of possession with intent to sell charges, especially in cases involving federal law, requires expert guidance. A federal criminal defense attorney plays a critical role in building a strong defense strategy and safeguarding the rights of individuals facing these charges.


In-Depth Legal Expertise

Federal criminal defense attorneys possess specialized knowledge of federal laws and the complexities of drug trafficking cases. This subtopic will highlight the unique skills and expertise these attorneys bring to the table, enabling them to navigate federal regulations and effectively challenge prosecution arguments.


Strategic Defense Building

Crafting a strategic defense strategy is pivotal in combating possession with intent to sell charges. This subtopic will delve into the process by which federal criminal defense attorneys analyze evidence, identify weaknesses in the prosecution's case, and develop a robust defense tailored to the individual circumstances of the accused.


Negotiation and Litigation

Federal criminal defense attorneys are adept at negotiation and litigation. They negotiate with prosecutors to potentially reduce charges or secure favorable plea deals. If the case proceeds to trial, these attorneys utilize their litigation skills to present a compelling defense, challenge evidence, and advocate for their clients' rights.


Advocating for Our Clients

Federal criminal defense attorneys serve as strong advocates for their clients. They ensure that clients' rights are upheld throughout the legal process, from arrest to trial. This subtopic will underscore the importance of having a dedicated attorney who can provide guidance, support, and clear communication during this challenging time.


Recognizing the importance of a federal criminal defense attorney's expertise and advocacy can make a substantial difference in the outcome of your case.


By hiring an attorney who specializes in federal criminal defense to fight for your rights, you equip yourself with the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of the legal system and work towards achieving the best possible resolution for your situation.

Why Choose Kolsrud Law Offices to Defend You

How a Phoenix Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help

Fighting marijuana possession with intent to sell charges in Arizona is a significant and life-changing event. The law's intricacies and the potential outcomes of a guilty verdict emphasize the need for a seasoned and committed criminal defense lawyer by your side.


Attorney Josh Kolsrud from Kolsrud Law Offices is perfectly equipped to present that robust defense. Let's analyze how his knowledge, experience, and unwavering commitment to his clients make him the perfect choice for anyone grappling with marijuana possession with intent to sell charges under Arizona Revised Statute 13-3405.


Broad Experience and Expertise

  • Former Federal Prosecutor: Josh Kolsrud's history as a former federal prosecutor equips him with invaluable understanding into the prosecution's strategies and methods.
  • Exceptional Track Record: With over 3,500 cases managed and more than 100 jury trials in Arizona, his vast experience is indicative of his legal prowess.
  • Specialization in Drug Cases: His knowledge with the specificities of drug law and the complexities of drug investigations distinguishes him from other defense attorneys.


Unwavering Commitment to Clients

  • Personalized Approach: Josh Kolsrud makes an effort to comprehend every element of his client's case, designing a defense tactic customized to the unique situations.
  • Client-Centric Philosophy: His commitment to his clients extends beyond legal representation, offering support, empathy, and kindness throughout the entire legal process.


Comprehensive Free Consultations

  • In-Depth Case Evaluation: Our law firm provides free consultations where every facet of the case is reviewed thoroughly. This ensures that no stone is left unturned in building a winning defense.
  • Strategic Planning: During the consultation, potential defense strategies are examined, and a clear strategy for the case is outlined.


Dedication to Building a Winning Defense

  • Thorough Investigation: Utilizing his expertise, Josh Kolsrud carries out precise investigations, testing the prosecution's evidence, and discovering details that may back the defense.
  • Negotiation and Litigation: Whether bargaining a profitable plea deal or fiercely defending the case in court, he is dedicated to achieve the best possible result for his clients.


A marijuana possession with intent to sell charge in Arizona requires experience, skill, and a dedicated defense attorney.


Josh Kolsrud from Kolsrud Law Offices brings these qualities, applying his former federal prosecutor insights, his extensive trial experience, and his unwavering dedication to his clients' cases.


By offering comprehensive free consultations, he guarantees that every client receives personalized attention and a firm defense they deserve. Confronting a marijuana possession with intent to sell charge is a daunting experience, but with Phoenix criminal defense lawyer Josh Kolsrud's assistance, you can be assured that your case is entrusted to one of Arizona's prominent criminal defense lawyers.

Contact us today to schedule
A FREE CONSULTANT and learn more
about how we can help you.

An award-winning criminal defense attorney Since 2006

Why Choose Josh Kolsrud

With over 100 trials to his name, and years of experience as a state and federal prosecutor, Josh understands the law, the legal process, and your rights. Josh is also committed to representing every client with utmost integrity and dedication



Josh has prosecuted major crimes on the state and federal level, led a successful anti-human sex trafficking operation that saved lives, and argued before countless juries and justices for his clients



Josh is an expert in both Arizona and federal criminal law, and is ready to put that expertise to work for you.



As a prosecutor, Josh saw far too many defendants lose their livelihood due to poor representation. Josh will always give every client his complete attention and effort

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